dating Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves | dating

Falling in love and having a relationship are two different things.

Love The Single Woman: Life

Quote from Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake & help us see we are worth so much more than we’re settling for.

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Quote from Kyos Magupe

To lovers there.Most ladies the reason they are dumped and their relationship doesn’t last is they made themselves to become a want than a need in a relationship.

Suzy Kassem

Quote from Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

A relationship that is truly genuine does not keep changing its colors. Real gold never rusts. If a relationship is really solid and golden, it will be unbreakable. Not even Time can destroy its shine.

Quote from Jocelyn Soriano, Mend My Broken Heart

To be rejected by someone doesn’t mean you should also reject yourself or that you should think of yourself as a lesser person. It doesn’t mean that nobody will ever love you anymore. Remember that only ONE person has rejected you at the moment, and it only hurt so much because to you, that person’s opinion symbolized the opinion of the whole world, of God.

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Quote from Greg Behrendt

If he’s not calling you, it’s because you are not on his mind. If he creates expectations for you, and then doesn’t follow through on little things, he will do same for big things. Be aware of this and realize that he’s okay with disappointing you. Don’t be with someone who doesn’t do what they say they’re going to do. If he’s choosing not to make a simple effort that would put you at ease and bring harmony to a recurring fight, then he doesn’t respect your feelings and needs. “Busy” is another word for “asshole.” “Asshole” is another word for the guy you’re dating. You deserve a fcking phone call.

Quote from Greg Behrendt, He’s Just Not That Into You

Let’s start with this statistic: You are delicious. Be brave, my sweet. I know you can get lonely. I know you can crave companionship and sex and love so badly that it physically hurts. But I truly believe that the only way you can find out that there’s something better out there is to first believe there’s something better out there. What other choice is there?

The Wedding Night: Embracing Sexual Intimacy as New Bride

Quote from Ngina Otiende, The Wedding Night: Embracing Sexual Intimacy as New Bride

Sexual intimacy is a relationship, not just body parts coming together. The more comfortable you are with each other outside the bedroom; the easier it is to relax and the sweeter the intimacy!

Amy Sedaris

Quote from Amy Sedaris, I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence

Don’t leave a piece of jewelry at his house so you can go back and get it later he may be with his real girlfriend.

Quote from Greg Behrendt, He’s Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys

Here’s something else to think about: calling when you say you’re going to is the very first brick in the house you are building of love and trust. If he can’t lay this one stupid brick down, you ain’t never gonna have a house baby, and it’s cold outside.

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