Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh

The most important relationship in your life should be your relationship with yourself.

Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh

Acting courageously is about knowing and making the right choices based on a deep conviction that dwarfs fear, doubt, and worry.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Have you decided how great you want to be? It’s really up to you. Greatness is a choice.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

To get to ‘yes’ from ‘no’, you may have to journey through ‘maybe’.

All Quotes

Quote from Debbie Ford, Courage: Overcoming Fear and Igniting Self-Confidence

It takes a warrior’s courage to acknowledge that your point of view matters, that your truth matters, that your gifts matter, and that your presence on this earth matters. You don’t have to earn this right; it’s yours as part of your birthright.

Mensah Oteh The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Quote from Mensah Oteh, The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Courage is important but it shouldn’t be used in making impulsive decisions or taking uncalculated actions.

The Love of Devotion

Quote from Donna Goddard, The Love of Devotion

Courage is the starting point of everything good. To love another is to automatically feed the fire of courage. We cannot be humiliated when we are fighting for someone or something we love. We will not give up when we are fighting for loved ones. As we evolve, our loved ones extend out from our family to include all of humanity. Courage and confidence will grow over the years with practice and self-awareness. We are never alone. God will help us. Such is the courage which gains respect from others. More importantly, we gain respect for ourselves.

Experiencing Fulfilment and Achieving Success in Any Area of Life Mensah Oteh Reaching Your Potential The Best Chance: A Guide to Discovering Your Purpose

Quote from Mensah Oteh, The Best Chance: A Guide to Discovering Your Purpose, Reaching Your Potential, Experiencing Fulfilment and Achieving Success in Any Area of Life

You need time, perseverance, and patience to develop the character and abilities required for success.

Mensah Oteh The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Quote from Mensah Oteh, The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Successful people’s dreams aren’t just about results. They’re about the changes their dreams will bring to their lives and the impact achieving their goal will have on those around them.

Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh

Discipline is more about self-control through your inner strength and less about restriction.

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