All Quotes

Quote from Connor Franta, A Work in Progress

Forget about self-image and self-judgment. It’s about self-love, and no one teaches you that at school. No one teaches you that if you accept and love yourself, nothing and no one can touch you. This is the only face and body you’re ever going to get, so be comfortable and happy in it. Own it. Own every aspect of who you are and present it to the world with the utmost pride.

Note to Self

Quote from Connor Franta, Note to Self

confront your greatest fearsvoice your biggest problemsacknowledge your tiniest issuesthe longer you stay silentthe louder they becomethey won’t disappear if you ignore themthey will spread and affect all aspects of your life

Quote from Connor Franta

I don’t want anyone to hold back who they are. It’s not okay… it’s not a good thing

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