
Howard Aiken | computers

There’s my education in computers, right there this is the whole thing, everything I took out of a book.

computers Rick Boucher

Rick Boucher | computers

I actually use a computer a lot. I have three computers that I use on a regular basis – one is on my desk top in my Washington office, another is at home, and I have my laptop that I use when I’m travelling.

computers Mitch Kapor

Mitch Kapor | computers

Well, I had a lot of help from my father with the soldering and so on, and he was very good at math and was fascinated with computers, and so I was fortunate enough to have a bunch of exposure going all the way back to high school – this was in the 1960s.


Ben Fountain | computers

I think I was lucky to come of age in a place and time – the American South in the 1960s and ’70s – when the machine hadn’t completely taken over life. The natural world was still the world, and machines – TV, telephone, cars – were still more or less ancillary, and computers were unheard of in everyday life.


Wolfgang Petersen | computers

Theaters are always going to be around, and doing fine. With computers and technology, we’re becoming more and more secluded from each other. And the movie theater is one of the last places where we can still gather and experience something together. I don’t think the desire for that magic will ever go away.

computers Milton Glaser

Milton Glaser | computers

Computers are to design as microwaves are to cooking.


Frank Press | computers

When the first computers started to come in, we tried to digitalize the seismological equipment.


Yael Naim | computers

Today, computers help us making the music. It’s really a tool.


David Smith | computers

The big question society will have to answer is whether it wants computers thinking like humans.

computers Steven Levy

Steven Levy | computers

There has never been an unexpectedly short debugging period in the history of computers.

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