Stefan Molyneux

Quote from Stefan Molyneux

If you can convince people that freedom is injustice, they will then believe that slavery is freedom.

Stefan Molyneux

Quote from Stefan Molyneux

The world, viewed philosophically, remains a series of slave camps, where citizens – tax livestock – labor under the chains of illusion in the service of their masters.

Quote from Charles E. Coughlin

I have dedicated my life to fight against the heinous rottenness of modern capitalism because it robs the laborer of this world’s goods. But blow for blow I shall strike against Communism, because it robs us of the next world’s happiness.

Quote from John Farndon, Do You Think You’re Clever?: The Oxbridge Questions

Books can be immensely powerful. The ideas in them can change the way people think. Yet it was the Nazis and Stalin’s officers who committed terrible crimes, and not Mein Kampf or the Communist Manifesto – and of course, the Manifesto contained many key ideas that are still relevant and important today, long after Stalin has gone. There is a crucial distinction between the book and its effect – it’s crucial because if you talk about a book being harmful rather than its effect you begin to legitimise censorship. Abhorrent ideas need to be challenged by better ones, not banned.

Norman Mailer

Quote from Norman Mailer

Any war that requires the suspension of reason as a necessity for support is a bad war.

Laughable Loves Milan Kundera

Quote from Milan Kundera, Laughable Loves

Those who had fought for what they called the revolution maintained a great pride: the pride of being on the correct side of the front lines. Ten or twelve years later (around the time of our story) the front lines began to melt away, and with them the correct side. No wonder the former supporters of the revolution feel cheated and are quick to seek substitute fronts; thanks to religion they can (in their role as atheists struggling against believers) stand again on the correct side and retain their habitual and precious sense of their own superiority.But to tell the truth, the substitute front was also useful to others, and it will perhaps not be too premature to disclose that Alice was one of them. Just as the directress wanted to be on the correct side, Alice wanted to be on the opposite side. During the revolution they had nationalized her papa’s shop, and Alice hated those who had done this to him. But how should she show her hatred? Perhaps by taking a knife and avenging her father? But this sort of thing is not the custom in Bohemia. Alice had a better means for expressing her opposition: she began to believe in God.

Murray N. Rothbard

Quote from Murray N. Rothbard

It is easy to be conspicuously ‘compassionate’ if others are being forced to pay the cost.

Mao Dun Rainbow

Quote from Mao Dun, Rainbow

You have the right to promote your own happiness just like everyone else, just like me. Your present dream has been shattered, but you can dream another. You should know that ‘you can’t relive old dreams.’ Even if you force them to come true, they won’t bring you happiness.

Available deep tissue massage appointments. Only biggest f00ls think we need a national cathedral – kwaw kese. The cold war.