Quote from Will Advise, Nothing is here…

And now, for something completely the same:Wasted time and wasted breath,’s what I’ll make, until my death.Helping people ‘d be as good,but I wouldn’t, if I could.For the few that help deserve,have no need, or not the nerve,help from strangers to accept,plus from mine a few have wept.Wept from joy, or from despair,or just from my vengeful stare.Ways I have, to look at stupid,make them see I am not Cupid.Make them see they are in error,for of truth I am a bearer.Most decide I’m just a bear,mauling at them, – like I care.

Suzy Kassem

Quote from Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

COMING FORTH INTO THE LIGHTI was born the dayI thought:What is?What was?AndWhat if?I was transformed the dayMy ego shattered,And all the superficial, materialThings that matteredTo me before,Suddenly ceasedTo matter.I really came into beingThe day I no longer cared aboutWhat the world thought of me,Only on my thoughts forChanging the world.

Quote from Criss Jami, Killosophy

I would rather a romantic relationship turn into contempt than turn into apathy. The passion in the extremities make it appear as though it once meant something. We grow from hot or cold, but lukewarm is the biggest insult.

Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

It is not until you change your identity to match your life blueprint that you will understand why everything in the past never worked.

Richelle Mead The Golden Lily

Quote from Richelle Mead, The Golden Lily

But what are loyalty and caring really worth?””To me? Everything.

Karl Lagerfeld

Quote from Karl Lagerfeld

Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there’s nothing else you can give and nobody will care for you.

Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

The Anatomy of Conflict:If there is no communication then there is no respect. If there is no respect then there is no caring. If there is no caring then there is no understanding. If there is no understanding then there is no compassion. If there is no compassion then there is no empathy. If there is no empathy then there is no forgiveness. If there is no forgiveness then there is no kindness. If there is no kindness then there is no honesty. If there is no honesty then there is no love. If there is no love then God doesn’t reside there. If God doesn’t reside there then there is no peace. If there is no peace then there is no happiness. If there is no happiness —-then there IS CONFLICT BECAUSE THERE IS NO COMMUNICATION!

The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration Vera Nazarian

Quote from Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

The master of the garden is the one who waters it, trims the branches, plants the seeds, and pulls the weeds. If you merely stroll through the garden, you are but an acolyte.

All Quotes

Quote from David Foster Wallace, This Is Water: Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life

The really important kind of freedom involves attention, and awareness, and discipline, and effort, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad petty little unsexy ways, every day.

Shannon L. Alder

Quote from Shannon L. Alder

A best friend is the only one that walks into your life when the world has walked out.

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