Vijay Kedia

Quote from Vijay Kedia

When we are right, we earn. When we are wrong, we learn.

Vijay Kedia

Quote from Vijay Kedia

Don’t learn literature from a history teacher.

Vijay Kedia

Quote from Vijay Kedia

Read not only between the lines, but also what is not written.

Vijay Kedia

Quote from Vijay Kedia

Better to lose money in a good company rather than making money in a bad one.

Vijay Kedia

Quote from Vijay Kedia

In markets, stupid action does not have equal but severe opposite reaction.

Vijay Kedia

Quote from Vijay Kedia

If the management has not performed well in their bad times in the past, chances are they will not perform well in their good times in the future too.

Vijay Kedia

Quote from Vijay Kedia

Your investment belongs to the market and your profits belong to you.

Vijay Kedia

Quote from Vijay Kedia

Investing is like Yoga. Body, mind and soul have to be aligned.

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