
Bram Stoker | morning

No man knows till he has suffered from the night how sweet and dear to his heart and eye the morning can be.


Bram Stoker | experience

There are such beings as vampires, some of us have evidence that they exist. Even had we not the proof of our own unhappy experience, the teachings and the records of the past give proof enough for sane peoples.


Bram Stoker | dreams

How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.

The New Annotated Dracula

Quote from Bram Stoker, The New Annotated Dracula

I suppose that we women are such cowards that we think a man will save us from fears, and we marry him.

Quote from Bram Stoker, Dracula

She has man’s brain–a brain that a man should have were he much gifted–and woman’s heart. The good God fashioned her for a purpose, believe me when He made that so good combination.

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