
Boris Becker | trust

That’s the hard part about sport: as men we haven’t started to be in our prime, but as athletes we are old people. I needed support. I lost trust and did stupid things.


Boris Becker | relationship

How do you build a relationship when you’ve hardly shared a word but suddenly share a child? How do you love a daughter you don’t see for nearly two years? When does she become your daughter? How does she become your daughter?


Boris Becker | history

I can’t change history, I don’t want to change history. I can only change the future. I’m working on that.


Boris Becker | future

I can’t change history, I don’t want to change history. I can only change the future. I’m working on that.

Deep tissue massage for facial pain. In the build up to the release of the album, black sherif released soja off the album. 50 questions on the middle ages.