Billy Joel Women

Billy Joel | women

I’m probably writing music now for the same reason as I started writing songs when I was 14 – to meet women.

Billy Joel music

Billy Joel | music

We are living in a time when American popular music is finally being recognized as one of our most successful exports. The demand is huge.

Billy Joel music

Billy Joel | music

I’m probably writing music now for the same reason as I started writing songs when I was 14 – to meet women.

Billy Joel music

Billy Joel | music

Most people are satisfied with the junk food being sold as music.

Billy Joel music

Billy Joel | music

I can’t think of one person I’ve ever met who didn’t like some type of music.

Billy Joel music

Billy Joel | music

Don’t make music for some vast, unseen audience or market or ratings share or even for something as tangible as money. Though it’s crucial to make a living, that shouldn’t be your inspiration. Do it for yourself.

Billy Joel music

Billy Joel | music

When I was a young musician, the only option available to pursue secondary education in music was to attend a classical conservatory.

Billy Joel music

Billy Joel | music

When I look at great works of art or listen to inspired music, I sense intimate portraits of the specific times in which they were created.

Billy Joel music

Billy Joel | music

For whatever reason, not all people are born with the particular gift of being able to express ourselves through music. And, believe me, it is a gift.

Billy Joel music

Billy Joel | music

More than art, more than literature, music is universally accessible.

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