
Quote from Osho, Awareness: The Key to Living in Balance

You go on trying and trying, and you make many decisions and you take many vows,but nothing happens — you remain the same. Not that you have not tried,not that you have not tried enough, you have tried and tried and tried. And you fail because it is not a question of effort. More effort won’t help. It is a question of being alert, not of effort.


Quote from Osho, Awareness: The Key to Living in Balance

Misery is a state of unconciousness. We are miserable because we are not aware of what we are doing, of what we are thinking, of what we are feeling — so we are continuously contradicting ourselves each moment. Action goes in one direction,thinking goes in another,feeling is somewhere else. We go on falling apart, we become more and more fragmented.There are only two ways out of it. They can become meditators – alert,aware,conscious… that’s an arduous thing. It needs guts. Or the cheaper way is to find something that can make you even more unconcious thank you are, so you cannot feel the misery,like drugs and alcohol,sometimes even religion…

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