encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Perfection is the lowest standard out there because it is unattainable. Be the best you can but don’t try to be someone you were not born to be.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Without a compelling vision to draw you away from your present and pull you through any challenges and into the future, it becomes easy to settle for a lesser life than the one you could achieve.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

Success comes with a promise and a price. The price has to be paid in full and in advance before the promise is fulfilled.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

In the success equation, subtraction comes before multiplication or addition. You must sow before you can reap a harvest.

Mensah Oteh The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Quote from Mensah Oteh, The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Success is achieved by the deliberate consistent discipline of taking small steps daily rather than one large step occasionally.

Mensah Oteh The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Quote from Mensah Oteh, The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Wisdom allows you to decide how best to apply yourself to get the most return on your time and energy invested.

encouraged Mensah Oteh motivated and focused Unlocking Life's Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Unlocking Life’s Treasure Chest: Wisdom keys to keep you inspired, encouraged, motivated and focused

If you are serious about achieving your desired goals, be willing to let go of the small pleasures found in the moment that may sabotage your chances of experiencing true pleasure when the sacrifice is paid.

Mensah Oteh The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

Quote from Mensah Oteh, The Good Life: Transform your life through one good day

If your actions are combined with proper planning and perseverance, there are no heights you cannot attain.

Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh, Wisdom Keys In Words: A collection of the Inspirational words that will change your life

To achieve success, you need to develop the ability to see through your mind’s eye continuously.

Mensah Oteh

Quote from Mensah Oteh

Talent helps, but success is only achieved and sustained through consistent effort.

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