Steve Maraboli

Quote from Steve Maraboli

You are designed for success. Life’s tough, but you are greater than its challenges. No matter what you have been through, you’re still here. You have a history of victory.So ignore the haters, the doubters, and free yourself from the emotional saboteurs. Don’t ever forget that you are beautiful, you are capable, you are worthy… you are enough. Set healthy standards and stick to them. Don’t settle. Set healthy goals and follow them. Let your behavior speak the love and passion in your heart. Live life to the fullest… make each day worth remembering… Dream BIG & dare to go for it… Be unapologetically you!

You are designed for success. Life’s tough, but you are greater than its challenges. No matter what you have been through, you’re still here. You have a history of victory.So ignore the haters, the doubters, and free yourself from the emotional saboteurs. Don’t ever forget that you are beautiful, you are capable, you are worthy… you are enough. Set healthy standards and stick to them. Don’t settle. Set healthy goals and follow them. Let your behavior speak the love and passion in your heart. Live life to the fullest… make each day worth remembering… Dream BIG & dare to go for it… Be unapologetically you!

Steve Maraboli 

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