The Mockingbird Parables: Transforming Lives through the Power of Story

Quote from Matt Litton, The Mockingbird Parables: Transforming Lives through the Power of Story

When hiding ourselves behind religiosity becomes the order of the day, grace is left by the wayside; without being honest about our own sin, we will never show compassion toward others. If we are to adorn ourselves with anything, it should be with compassion and honesty—the foundations of connecting to our community.

When hiding ourselves behind religiosity becomes the order of the day, grace is left by the wayside; without being honest about our own sin, we will never show compassion toward others. If we are to adorn ourselves with anything, it should be with compassion and honesty—the foundations of connecting to our community.

Matt Litton, The Mockingbird Parables: Transforming Lives through the Power of Story 

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