Soul Search: A Scientist Explores the Afterlife

Quote from David Darling, Soul Search: A Scientist Explores the Afterlife

No one, from pontiffs to professors, has a monopoly on the truth. In the end, we are all just travelers–not scientists or mystics or any one brand of thinker. By nature, we are scientists and mystics, reductionists and holists, left-brained and right-brained, mixed up creatures trying to catch an occasional glimpse of the truth. The best we can do is to be tolerant of both sides of our nature–knowing that these reflect the twin aspect of the universe–and learn from whatever wisdom is offered.

No one, from pontiffs to professors, has a monopoly on the truth. In the end, we are all just travelers–not scientists or mystics or any one brand of thinker. By nature, we are scientists and mystics, reductionists and holists, left-brained and right-brained, mixed up creatures trying to catch an occasional glimpse of the truth. The best we can do is to be tolerant of both sides of our nature–knowing that these reflect the twin aspect of the universe–and learn from whatever wisdom is offered.

David Darling, Soul Search: A Scientist Explores the Afterlife 

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