funny Zac Efron

Zac Efron | funny

One time I went into a restroom and a girl followed me in. I signed an autograph for her in the sink. It was pretty funny because she was in a guy’s restroom and she wasn’t embarrassed at all.

experience Zac Efron

Zac Efron | experience

Every day is a new experience and I take it as it comes.

dating Zac Efron

Zac Efron | dating

Dating is kind of hard. Like dinner or something like that. Like a forced awkward situation is very strange. Especially for me, for some reason.

cool Zac Efron

Zac Efron | cool

Spider-Man’s probably my favorite. You see, Batman is a billionaire and there’s nothing really cool about a billionaire saving the world. But Spider-Man is Peter Parker, a conflicted character who puts on a suit and saves the world. I love that.

cool Zac Efron

Zac Efron | cool

Personally, I was never the cool kid. I was always sort of a bookworm.

cool Zac Efron

Zac Efron | cool

Personally, I was never the cool kid. I was always sort of a bookworm. I would just like to be more like Troy, because he’s so cool.

best Zac Efron

Zac Efron | best

I’m very competitive by nature. And I like to be the underdog – It’s the best way to win. To come from behind and win is a great feeling!

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