Truth Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson | truth

Three chords and the truth – that’s what a country song is.

sad Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson | sad

A lot of country music is sad.

sad Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson | sad

Well the country songs themselves are three-chord stories, ballads which are mostly sad. If you are already feeling sorry for yourself when you listen to them they will take you to an even sadder place.

sad Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson | sad

It doesn’t hurt to feel sad from time to time.

romantic Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson | romantic

I’m a romantic slob!

positive Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson | positive

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.

peace Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson | peace

I wanted to connect all people who are thinking about peace on Earth.

music Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson | music

There’s a great enthusiasm for good country music all over the world.

music Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson | music

I think Ray Charles did as much as anybody when he did his country music album. Ray Charles broke down borders and showed the similarities between country music and R&ampB.

music Willie Nelson

Willie Nelson | music

I never gave up on country music because I knew what I was doing was not that bad.

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