thankful William Blake

William Blake | thankful

The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.

Sympathy William Blake

William Blake | sympathy

Excessive sorrow laughs. Excessive joy weeps.

science William Blake

William Blake | science

The foundation of empire is art and science. Remove them or degrade them, and the empire is no more. Empire follows art and not vice versa as Englishmen suppose.

science William Blake

William Blake | science

Art is the tree of life. Science is the tree of death.

science William Blake

William Blake | science

He who would do good to another must do it in Minute Particulars: general Good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite, and flatterer, for Art and Science cannot exist but in minutely organized Particulars.

sad William Blake

William Blake | sad

Can I see another’s woe, and not be in sorrow too? Can I see another’s grief, and not seek for kind relief?

religion William Blake

William Blake | religion

Prisons are built with stones of Law. Brothels with the bricks of religion.

religion William Blake

William Blake | religion

What is a wife and what is a harlot? What is a church and what is a theatre? are they two and not one? Can they exist separate? Are not religion and politics the same thing? Brotherhood is religion. O demonstrations of reason dividing families in cruelty and pride!

religion William Blake

William Blake | religion

The glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness.

politics William Blake

William Blake | politics

What is a wife and what is a harlot? What is a church and what is a theatre? are they two and not one? Can they exist separate? Are not religion and politics the same thing? Brotherhood is religion. O demonstrations of reason dividing families in cruelty and pride!

A guide to charitable giving. Sustainability and eco candle crafting. Unbenannt 1 | natural cough remedies.