Richelle Mead Vampire Academy

Quote from Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

But I couldn’t help myself, couldn’t help the way I felt as I recalled the bliss and rush of a vampire’s bite.

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy

Quote from Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

Do you think I’m pretty?I think you’re beautifulBeautiful?You are so beautiful, it hurts sometimes.

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy

Quote from Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

She accused me of wearing pants from the salvation army.””Rose, your pants ARE from the salvation army.””That’s SO not the point!

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy

Quote from Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

My muscles informed me they did not want to go through any more exercise today. So I suggest that maybe he should let me off this time. He laughed, and I’m pretty sure it was at me…not with me. “Why is that funny?” “Oh,” he said, his smile dropping. “You were serious.””Of course I was! Look, I’ve technically been awake for two days. Why do we have to start this training now? Let me go to bed.” I whined. “It’s just one hour.””How do you feel right now?””I hurt like hell.””You’ll feel worse tomorrow.””So?””So, better get a jump on it while you still feel…not as bad.””What kind of logic is that?” I retorted.

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy

Quote from Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

I had a standing agreement with god. I’d agree to believe in him, barely, so long as he let me sleep in on Sundays.

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy

Quote from Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

Smiling, I cut across the quadrangle toward the commons. I felt better about life than I had in a very long time. We could do this, Lissa and me. We could do this together.

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy

Quote from Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

I get in that kind of situation all the time, Comrade. It’s not a big deal.” Anger replaced my fear. I didn’t like being treated like a child. “Stop calling me that. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.” “Sure I do. I had to do a report on the R.S.S.R. last year.

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy

Quote from Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies.

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy

Quote from Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

If I let myself love you, I won’t throw myself in front of her. I’ll throw myself in front of you.

Richelle Mead Vampire Academy

Quote from Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy

How do you feel right now?” “I hurt like hell.””You’ll feel worse tomorrow.””So?””So, better get a jump on this while you still feel…not as bad.””What kind of logic is that?” I retorted.

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