Tonny K. Brown

Quote from Tonny K. Brown

If you are truly looking for purpose,Something to verify your self-worth.Then give yourself to some cause,some greatness in which the only return, is knowing that your deeds have become to someone, a gift that is too good to believe

Tonny K. Brown

Quote from Tonny K. Brown

Once I made weapons carved from stone, I tied the weight to a wooden handle, a club to break the bones of my enemy.Then I became wiser…and sharpened the stone to a point and then fastened it to a stick; my arrow. I bent wood and hitched string to it; my bow. I kill my enemy with skillThen I became wiser…and made weapons forged from steel and took care to sharpen the blade of my sword. I kill my enemy with a stroke.Then I became wiser…and made the rifle that would, by exploding gunpowder, shoot balls of lead faster than the eye could see. I kill my enemy with but the pull of a trigger.Then I became wiser…and I built flying machine that could transport bombs to drop over the homes of my enemy. I kill my enemy from the sky.Then I became wiser…and created the drone, now I can guide a plane by remote control from one country and kill my enemy in another. I am a proficient killerThen I became wiser… and I found a way to split the atom and found the power of God hidden within. I kill the ground, scorch the sky, pollute the wind and kill my enemy with the push of a button.Then I became wiser…And I found that there is nothing more foolish than a “Wise Man of War

Tonny K. Brown

Quote from Tonny K. Brown

The greatest thing you will ever give to the world is your committment to leave what you find in better condition than the way you found it. Leave a single light in a place where there was once darkness so those coming behind you may see further and begin where you left.

Tonny K. Brown

Quote from Tonny K. Brown

The only shores you will never reach in life are those you have allowed yourself to believe, were too far.

Tonny K. Brown

Quote from Tonny K. Brown

The mark of a great leader is not, only, one that found the courage to believe in themselves, but one, that was able to motivate others to take a look inward, and do the same.

Tonny K. Brown

Quote from Tonny K. Brown

A hero is not know by the number of battles he has won, but rather by the kind of battles he chooses to fight.

Tonny K. Brown

Quote from Tonny K. Brown

Love is always reminding me that there is something else left to do

Tonny K. Brown

Quote from Tonny K. Brown

Those who believe in justice find silence too great a burden to carry.

Tonny K. Brown

Quote from Tonny K. Brown

I pray, before I die, that I receive the power to believe in fairytales again, Oh’ how I would love to laugh and know that God laughed with me.

Tonny K. Brown

Quote from Tonny K. Brown

The only way to know if you can ever grab hold of your dreams is to reach for them.

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