car Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs | car

Most people have no concept of how an automatic transmission works, yet they know how to drive a car. You don’t have to study physics to understand the laws of motion to drive a car. You don’t have to understand any of this stuff to use Macintosh.

business Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs | business

But Apple really beats to a different drummer. I used to say that Apple should be the Sony of this business, but in reality, I think Apple should be the Apple of this business.

business Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs | business

Microsoft has had two goals in the last 10 years. One was to copy the Mac, and the other was to copy Lotus’ success in the spreadsheet – basically, the applications business. And over the course of the last 10 years, Microsoft accomplished both of those goals. And now they are completely lost.

business Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs | business

When you’re young, you look at television and think, there’s a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that’s not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want.

business Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs | business

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.

business Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs | business

I want to put a ding in the universe.

best Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs | best

Our goal is to make the best devices in the world, not to be the biggest.

best Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs | best

We think the Mac will sell zillions, but we didn’t build the Mac for anybody else. We built it for ourselves. We were the group of people who were going to judge whether it was great or not. We weren’t going to go out and do market research. We just wanted to build the best thing we could build.

best Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs | best

So let’s not use a stylus. We’re going to use the best pointing device in the world. We’re going to use a pointing device that we’re all born with – born with ten of them. We’re going to use our fingers. We’re going to touch this with our fingers. And we have invented a new technology called multi-touch, which is phenomenal. It works like magic.

best Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs | best

We hire people who want to make the best things in the world.

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