Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, Full Dark, No Stars

If God rewards us on earth for good deeds—the Old Testament suggests it’s so, and the Puritans certainly believed it—then maybe Satan rewards us for evil ones.

Stephen King The Stand

Quote from Stephen King, The Stand

She was satisfied with the answer God had given Moses from the burning bush when Moses had seen fit to question. Who are you? Mose asks, and God comes back from that bush just as pert as you like: I Am, Who I AM. In other words, Mose, stop beatin around this here bush and get your old ass in gear.

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King

I don’t believe in any actual thinking God that marks the fall of every bird in Australia or every bug in India, a God that records all of our sins in a big golden book and judges us when we die – I don’t want to believe in a God who would deliberately create bad people and then deliberately send them to roast in a hell He created-but I believe there has to be something

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King

I wouldn’t have missed a single minute of it, Not for the whole world.

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, Wizard and Glass

If it’s ka it’ll come like a wind, and your plans will stand before it no more than a barn before a cyclone

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King

You are the grim, goal-oriented ones who will not believe that the joy is in the journey rather than the destination no matter how many times it has been proven to you.

Stephen King The Drawing of the Three

Quote from Stephen King, The Drawing of the Three

What we like to think of ourselves and what we really are rarely have much in common….

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, Hearts in Atlantis

Sometimes when you’re young, you have moments of such happiness, you think you’re living on someplace magical, like Atlantis must have been. Then we grow up and our hearts break into two.

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, Different Seasons

Until we see each other again, keep your head together, read some good books, be useful, be happy.

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, Full Dark, No Stars

Life is fair. We all get the same nine-month shake in the box, and then the dice roll. Some people get a run of sevens. Some people, unfortunately, get snake-eyes. Its just how the world is.

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