Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, Doctor Sleep

FEAR stands for fuck everything and run.

Stephen King The Long Walk

Quote from Stephen King, The Long Walk

They’re animals, all right. But why are you so goddam sure that makes us human beings?

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King

And people who don’t dream, who don’t have any kind of imaginative life, they must… they must go nuts. I can’t imagine that.

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, It

Calling it a simple schoolgirl crush was like saying a Rolls-Royce was a vehicle with four wheels, something like a hay-wagon. She did not giggle wildly and blush when she saw him, nor did she chalk his name on trees or write it on the walls of the Kissing Bridge. She simply lived with his face in her heart all the time, a kind of sweet, hurtful ache. She would have died for him..

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, Desperation

Oh shit, the mummy’s after us, let’s all walk a little faster

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King

If you don’t have the time to do something right, where are you going to find the time to fix it?

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, Duma Key

We fool ourselves so much we could do it for a living.

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, 11/22/63

We never know which lives we influence, or when, or why.

Stephen King The Gunslinger

Quote from Stephen King, The Gunslinger

Why’ is a crooked letter and can’t be made straight.

Stephen King

Quote from Stephen King, Cujo

The world was full of monsters, and they were all allowed to bite the innocent and the unwary

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