Stephen Ambrose war

Stephen Ambrose | war

World War II, the atomic bomb, the Cold War, made it hard for Americans to continue their optimism.

knowledge Stephen Ambrose

Stephen Ambrose | knowledge

The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.

hope Stephen Ambrose

Stephen Ambrose | hope

The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.

history Stephen Ambrose

Stephen Ambrose | history

Crazy Horse saw history as integrated in the present, incorporated into daily life.

history Stephen Ambrose

Stephen Ambrose | history

You don’t hate history, you hate the way it was taught to you in high school.

future Stephen Ambrose

Stephen Ambrose | future

The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.

Faith Stephen Ambrose

Stephen Ambrose | faith

The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.

education Stephen Ambrose

Stephen Ambrose | education

I’m no politician. I’m an historian who has learned through a lifetime of studying that nothing in the world beats universal education.

Death Stephen Ambrose

Stephen Ambrose | death

Washington, not Jefferson, freed his slaves upon his death.

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