cool Spider Robinson

Spider Robinson | cool

Now that I finally have the time for it, this web surfing stuff turns out to be as interesting and fun and addictive as you’ve all been telling me. Zipping from link to link, chasing an idea across the noosphere, sucking up information like a killer whale – way cool.

Off the Wall at Callahan's Spider Robinson

Quote from Spider Robinson, Off the Wall at Callahan’s

Sometimes I think I must have a Guardian Idiot. A little invisible spirit just behind my shoulder, looking out for me…only he’s an imbecile.

Spider Robinson

Quote from Spider Robinson

Librarians are the secret masters of the world. They control information. Don’t ever piss one off.

Spider Robinson

Quote from Spider Robinson

…when writing, always hook the reader with your first sentence…in love, never settle…value yourself first and this will help you to value others…life is short, so enjoy it to the fullest…everyone in the world is different, and that’s ok…

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