Kokoro Sōseki Natsume

Quote from Sōseki Natsume, Kokoro

I am an inconsistent creature. Perhaps it is the pressure of my past, and not my own perverse mind, that has made me into this contradictory being. I am all too well aware of this fault in myself. You must forgive me.

Sōseki Natsume

Quote from Sōseki Natsume

Use your intellect to guide you, and you will end up putting peopleoff. Rely on your emotions, and you will forever be pushed around.Force your will on others, and you will live in constant tension. Thereis no getting around it—people are hard to live with.

Sanshirō Sōseki Natsume

Quote from Sōseki Natsume, Sanshirō

Tokyo is bigger than Kumamoto. And Japan is bigger than Tokyo. And even bigger than Japan… Even bigger than Japan is the inside of your head. Don’t ever surrender yourself ― not to Japan, not to anything. You may think that what you’re doing is for the sake of the nation, but let something take possession of you like that, and all you do is bring it down.

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