Shia LaBeouf sports

Shia LaBeouf | sports

When you look at golf films before us they’re all – garbage or satire. A lot of sports films tend to vilify the opposition. Where the opposition becomes this big angry monster, so big you can’t beat him.

Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf | respect

I like messing around, and I like working with artists who I respect.

Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf | respect

So it’s kind of nervous to be in this situation, but at the same time you look at all those actors and the work that they’ve done, I’ve been in bigger films than all of them and still kept my integrity and still kept my respect.

Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf | respect

I turned down twelve films last year… Huge money films, but I had no respect for the writer or the work.

Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf | respect

You can’t buy back your respect you can’t buy back your career. You only get one, so I don’t want to mess that up.

relationship Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf | relationship

A relationship to me is never about the romance.

relationship Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf | relationship

There’s only so far you can take a relationship before you got to get into things that are too serious or over the top.

relationship Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf | relationship

There’s only so far you can take a relationship before you got to get into things that are too serious or over the top. I’m 20 years old. I was in a relationship with a girl I love for three years. Where do you go after three years? Then you’ve got to start thinking about other things, and I’m too young to think about those things.

relationship Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf | relationship

I was in a relationship with a girl I loved for three years. Where do you go after three years? Then you’ve got to start thinking about other things, and I’m too young to think about those things.

positive Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf | positive

When people ask me about my story, I just go through the positive stuff: the tent-pole moments, the big landmark checkpoints.

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