Sebastian Barry The Secret Scripture

Quote from Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture

It is always worth itemising happiness, there is so much of the other thing in a life, you had better put down the markers for happiness while you can.

Sebastian Barry The Secret Scripture

Quote from Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture

I was well aware how famously or infamously secretive these old institutions can be, no more than ourselves, a mixture of worry, lost power, perhaps even concern. That the truth may not always be desirable, that one thing leads to another thing, that facts not only lead forward to resolution, but backwards into the shadows, and sometimes into the various little hells we make for each other.

Sebastian Barry The Secret Scripture

Quote from Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture

It is not history. But I am beginning to wonder strongly what is the nature of history. Is it only memory in decent sentences, and if so, how reliable is it? I would suggest, not very. And that therefore most truth and fact offered by these syntactical means is treacherous and unreliable. And yet I recognise that we live our lives, and even keep our sanity, by the lights of this treachery and this unreliability, just as we build our love of country on these paper worlds of misapprehension and untruth. Perhaps this is our nature, and perhaps unaccountably it is part of our glory as a creature, that we can build our best and most permanent buildings on foundations of utter dust.

Sebastian Barry The Secret Scripture

Quote from Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture

And whatever my life had been up to that day, it was another life after that. And that is the gospel truth.

Sebastian Barry The Secret Scripture

Quote from Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture

I suppose therefore God is the connoisseur of filthied hearts and souls, and can see the old, the first pattern in them, and cherish them for that.

Sebastian Barry The Secret Scripture

Quote from Sebastian Barry, The Secret Scripture

After all the world is indeed beautiful and if we were any other creature than man we might be continuously happy in it.

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