Ron Hall Same Kind of Different as Me

Quote from Ron Hall, Same Kind of Different as Me

There’s somethin I learned when I was homeless: Our limitation is God’s opportunity. When you get all the way to the end of your rope and there ain’t nothin you can do, that’s when God takes over. I remember one time I was hunkered down in the hobo jungle with some folks. We was talkin ’bout life, and this fella was talkin, said, ‘People think they’re in control, but they ain’t. The truth is, that which must befall thee must befall thee. And that which must pass the by must pass thee by.

Ron Hall Same Kind of Different as Me

Quote from Ron Hall, Same Kind of Different as Me

The Word says God put ever star in the heavens and even give ever one of em a name. If one of em was gon’ fall out the sky, that was up to Him, too. Maybe we can’t see where it’s gon’ wind up, be He can.

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