patience Ryan White

Ryan White | patience

We had great faith that with patience, understanding, and education, that my family and I could be helpful in changing their minds and attitudes around.

Mom Ryan White

Ryan White | mom

I was labeled a troublemaker, my mom an unfit mother, and I was not welcome anywhere.

Mom Ryan White

Ryan White | mom

AIDS can destroy a family if you let it, but luckily for my sister and me, Mom taught us to keep going. Don’t give up, be proud of who you are, and never feel sorry for yourself.

Mom Ryan White

Ryan White | mom

Financial hardships were rough on us, even though Mom had a good job at G.M.

medical Ryan White

Ryan White | medical

Listening to medical facts was not enough. People wanted one hundred percent guarantees.

Fear Ryan White

Ryan White | fear

Because of the lack of education on AIDS, discrimination, fear, panic, and lies surrounded me.

Faith Ryan White

Ryan White | faith

We had great faith that with patience, understanding, and education, that my family and I could be helpful in changing their minds and attitudes around.

education Ryan White

Ryan White | education

We had great faith that with patience, understanding, and education, that my family and I could be helpful in changing their minds and attitudes around.

education Ryan White

Ryan White | education

Because of the lack of education on AIDS, discrimination, fear, panic, and lies surrounded me.

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