Robert Cormier teen

Robert Cormier | teen

I have always had a sense that we are all pretty much alone in life, particularly in adolescence.

relationship Robert Cormier

Robert Cormier | relationship

Family life was wonderful. The streets were bleak. The playgrounds were bleak. But home was always warm. My mother and father had a great relationship. I always felt ‘safe’ there.

parenting Robert Cormier

Robert Cormier | parenting

Family life was wonderful. The streets were bleak. The playgrounds were bleak. But home was always warm. My mother and father had a great relationship. I always felt ‘safe’ there.

Home Robert Cormier

Robert Cormier | home

Family life was wonderful. The streets were bleak. The playgrounds were bleak. But home was always warm. My mother and father had a great relationship. I always felt ‘safe’ there.

family Robert Cormier

Robert Cormier | family

Family life was wonderful. The streets were bleak. The playgrounds were bleak. But home was always warm. My mother and father had a great relationship. I always felt ‘safe’ there.

alone Robert Cormier

Quote from Robert Cormier | alone


Robert Cormier The Chocolate War

Quote from Robert Cormier, The Chocolate War

He hated to think of his own life stretching ahead of him that way, a long succession of days and nights that were fine – not good, not bad, not great, not lousy, not exciting, not anything.

Robert Cormier The Chocolate War

Quote from Robert Cormier, The Chocolate War

They don’t actually want you to do your own thing, not unless it’s their thing too.

Relationship & social life. Sandalwood essential oil is derived from the wood of the sandalwood tree. Copyright 2024 — natural cough remedies.