Ray Comfort Wisdom

Ray Comfort | wisdom

This society in which we live is radically changing. What previous generations saw as evil is now embraced as being good. It is a dangerous and slippery slope upon which we stand when we reject what Solomon called the beginning of wisdom – the fear of God.

Ray Comfort trust

Ray Comfort | trust

Evolution is unobservable. It’s based on blind faith in a few dry bones and on unreliable dating systems in which the gullible trust. Kids should be allowed to make up their own minds about this issue, and not be censored to ‘one side is all we will let you hear.’

Ray Comfort smile

Ray Comfort | smile

It takes both courage and talent to stand up in front of fellow human beings and make them crack a smile, and at the same time keep it clean.

Ray Comfort science

Ray Comfort | science

The ‘science’ for which the United States is respected has nothing to do with the unscientific and baseless theory of evolution.

Ray Comfort science

Ray Comfort | science

Science is a wonderful discipline, to which we are deeply indebted.

Ray Comfort science

Ray Comfort | science

Evolution is the fundamental idea in all of life science – in all of biology.

Ray Comfort religion

Ray Comfort | religion

One of Dawkins’ major gripes is against religion. I am in total agreement on that one. I abhor religion.

positive Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort | positive

It is true that you can’t prove a negative. However, the existence of God is provable in the same way a building is positive proof that there was a builder.

Fear Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort | fear

When men don’t fear God, they give themselves to evil.

Famous Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort | famous

Few would argue that Richard Dawkins is the world’s most famous atheist, especially now that his friend and rival for the title, Christopher Hitchens, has now gone to meet his Maker.

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