Rachel Vincent

Quote from Rachel Vincent, Alpha

Some things are private. Some things needed to be said, even when the person who needed to hear them couldn’t hear anything. Ever again.

Rachel Vincent

Quote from Rachel Vincent, Before I Wake

The three of you are enough to drive a mara mad.’She can wear my shirt,” she growled in an imitation of Nash.”No,she can wear my shirt,”she said switching to Tod’s smoother tone.Then Sabine took off down the hall without a glance at any of us.”I have a spare.Come on, Kaylee,before I choke on testosterone and melodrama.

Rachel Vincent

Quote from Rachel Vincent, Pride

You don’t want me to stand against the council. You want a magic wand, so you can walk around smacking people with it until everything’s just the way you like it. But guess what, Faythe? Life doesn’t work like that. Life bites, and the harder you fight it, the more leverage it has to tear your heart right out of your chest. And if you really want to wake this particular sleeping dog, the truth is that if you’d just taken that “damn ring” five years ago, none of this shit would ever have happened!

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