Margaret Feinberg Scouting the Divine: My Search for God in Wine

Quote from Margaret Feinberg, Scouting the Divine: My Search for God in Wine, Wool, and Wild Honey

Jesus knew that many of his listeners believed the old wineskin (or way of doing things) was good enough. They were comfortable with their beliefs and practices, but Jesus hadn’t come to patch up old religious traditions. He was offering a new garment, a new wineskin, a way of life that didn’t abolish the old ways, but fulfilled them.The teaching illuminated my own need to remain pliable before God. I realize that I must have a softer housing for my growing faith, one that can flex and change as God is at work inside of me. All too often I find myself clinging to that which is comfortable and familiar, rather than embracing the challenges that emerge with change and growth. Sometimes I shy away from people who have strong views that differ from mine, even though sharing a great conversation… could temper both our viewpoints and deepen our relationship. Why do I run away from strong opinions and potential conflict? Am I too comfortable and unwilling to change? Such a realization highlights the need for the Spirit in my life not just to discern and distinguish, but also to illuminate and invite me to move forward into the fullness of life with him.” -Scouting the Divine

Margaret Feinberg The Sacred Echo: Hearing God's Voice in Every Area of Your Life

Quote from Margaret Feinberg, The Sacred Echo: Hearing God’s Voice in Every Area of Your Life

And like an echo, God often uses the repetitive events and themes in daily life to get my attention and draw me closer to himself.” – The Sacred Echo

Margaret Feinberg

Quote from Margaret Feinberg, Hungry for God: Hearing God’s Voice in the Ordinary and the Everyday

Hunger for God compels us to seek the Lord. At times our desire for God overcomes our physical desires, and the ache for God is palpable. Throughout the Scriptures, God is faithful to reward those who search for him. Written during one of King David’s low points, while living on the run in the wilderness, he cries, “Oh God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” Though David hides in the wilderness, he doesn’t stay there physically or spiritually. When we seek God with our whole hearts and souls, he promises to reveal himself to us.” -Hungry for God

Margaret Feinberg

Quote from Margaret Feinberg

I call them sacred echoes because I noticed that throughout my relationships, daily life, and study, the same scripturally sound idea or phrase or word will keep reappearing until I can no longer avoid its presence.” -The Sacred Echo

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