Lee Haney sports

Lee Haney | sports

As the proud father of two teens and past Chairman to the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, I am committed to educating parents and especially young people on ways to live a long, healthy and active life.

fitness Lee Haney

Lee Haney | fitness

As the proud father of two teens and past Chairman to the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, I am committed to educating parents and especially young people on ways to live a long, healthy and active life.

fitness Lee Haney

Lee Haney | fitness

Exercise to stimulate, not to annihilate. The world wasn’t formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them.

diet Lee Haney

Lee Haney | diet

The circuit training program along with a healthy clean diet is the way to excellent results.

diet Lee Haney

Lee Haney | diet

A systemic cleansing and detox is definitely the way to go after each holiday. It is the key to fighting high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and other health-related illnesses.

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