knowledge Laurence Sterne

Laurence Sterne | knowledge

The desire of knowledge, like the thirst of riches, increases ever with the acquisition of it.

health Laurence Sterne

Laurence Sterne | health

People who overly take care of their health are like misers. They hoard up a treasure which they never enjoy.

health Laurence Sterne

Laurence Sterne | health

People who are always taking care of their health are like misers, who are hoarding a treasure which they have never spirit enough to enjoy.

happiness Laurence Sterne

Laurence Sterne | happiness

Alas! if the principles of contentment are not within us, the height of station and worldly grandeur will as soon add a cubit to a man’s stature as to his happiness.

Death Laurence Sterne

Laurence Sterne | death

So much of motion, is so much of life, and so much of joy, and to stand still, or get on but slowly, is death and the devil.

Laurence Sterne

Laurence Sterne | change

Nothing is so perfectly amusing as a total change of ideas.

alone Laurence Sterne

Quote from Laurence Sterne | alone


Laurence Sterne

Quote from Laurence Sterne

What a large volume of adventures may be grasped within the span of his little life by him who interests his heart in everything.

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