Famous Kevin Costner

Kevin Costner | famous

I know I have this level of celebrity, of fame, international, national, whatever you want to call it, but it’s a pretty surreal thing to think sometimes that you’re in the middle of another famous person’s life and you think to yourself, ‘How the hell did I get famous? What is this some weird club that we’re in?’

failure Kevin Costner

Kevin Costner | failure

Failure doesn’t kill you… it increases your desire to make something happen.

Dreams Kevin Costner

Kevin Costner | dreams

Field of Dreams is probably our generation’s It’s A Wonderful Life.

Dreams Kevin Costner

Kevin Costner | dreams

I’m a big fan of dreams. Unfortunately, dreams are our first casualty in life – people seem to give them up, quicker than anything, for a ‘reality.’

Kevin Costner

Kevin Costner | change

I’ve had some movies that have been ridiculed, but that’s OK with me. I don’t feel that really defines me. Should I change who I am to be popular?

business Kevin Costner

Kevin Costner | business

I believe people who go into politics want to do the right thing. And then they hit a big wall of re-election and the pettiness of politics. In the end, politics gets in the way of the business of people.

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