health Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks | health

When I was on Broadway, I got really sick with walking pneumonia. I decided not to take my health for granted anymore and make it a priority. The great thing is, the pounds just started to fall off.

funny Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks | funny

Sometimes I feel like there are people just waiting for me to fall. The funny thing is, I can’t give them anything. I have just never been a partier, even in school.

funny Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks | funny

It’s funny. When I saw the script in my inbox and it said ‘Sparkle,’ I thought, ‘For real? It’s really called ‘Sparkle?” I was wondering, too, how does ‘Jordin Sparks as Sparkle’ sound?

Food Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks | food

I used to eat because food tastes so good. I love food, it’s one of the best things on this planet. But I changed the way I was thinking. I started asking myself, ‘Hey, am I eating because it tastes good? Or because I really need some more? Am I really still hungry?’

Food Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks | food

I love food and I love my curves.

family Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks | family

It’s cool to have parents and family who will always tell me the truth no matter what. They’ll tell me if I’m doing something stupid!

family Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks | family

I think ‘Tattoo”s a song that can go so many different ways. Some people think of it as a break-up song, but, for me, it’s about somebody who comes into your life and really touches you – be they a friend, a family member or someone you’re in a relationship with.

diet Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks | diet

There’s no quick or magical way to lose weight. You just have to do it the natural way – diet and exercise and stick to it – and be able to do it at your own pace.

Dad Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks | dad

I was always okay with the fact that I was taller and bigger than everybody else growing up. My mom, my dad, and my friends always told me I was beautiful.

cool Jordin Sparks

Jordin Sparks | cool

As far as friendships go, things change even without the fame. People start moving on. I have a few friends that are married and are starting to have kids and I’m like, ‘Oh my goodness gracious – that’s so insane.’ I also have friends who are just doing their own thing, which is cool.

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