Jean Cocteau Work

Jean Cocteau | work

Emotion resulting from a work of art is only of value when it is not obtained by sentimental blackmail.

Jean Cocteau Wisdom

Jean Cocteau | wisdom

The extreme limit of wisdom, that’s what the public calls madness.

Jean Cocteau Truth

Jean Cocteau | truth

The poet is a liar who always speaks the truth.

Jean Cocteau Truth

Jean Cocteau | truth

I am a lie who always speaks the truth.

Jean Cocteau success

Jean Cocteau | success

The reward of art is not fame or success but intoxication: that is why so many bad artists are unable to give it up.

Jean Cocteau success

Jean Cocteau | success

I believe in luck: how else can you explain the success of those you dislike?

Jean Cocteau success

Jean Cocteau | success

We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don’t like?

Jean Cocteau society

Jean Cocteau | society

The instinct of nearly all societies is to lock up anybody who is truly free. First, society begins by trying to beat you up. If this fails, they try to poison you. If this fails too, the finish by loading honors on your head.

Jean Cocteau sad

Jean Cocteau | sad

I have a piece of great and sad news to tell you: I am dead.

Jean Cocteau poetry

Jean Cocteau | poetry

Poetry is indispensable – if I only knew what for.

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