inspirational Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert | inspirational

I used to make up stuff in my bio all the time, that I used to be a professional ice-skater and stuff like that. I found it so inspirational. Why not make myself cooler than I am?

inspirational Thomas Kincade

Thomas Kincade | inspirational

I view art as an inspirational tool.

inspirational Snoop Dogg

Snoop Dogg | inspirational

To me, the Seventies were very inspirational and very influential… With my whole persona as Snoop Dogg, as a person, as a rapper. I just love the Seventies style, the way all the players dressed nice, you know, kept their hair looking good, drove sharp cars and they talked real slick.

inspirational Peter Diamandis

Peter Diamandis | inspirational

Space is an inspirational concept that allows you to dream big.

inspirational Rosie O'Donnell

Rosie O’Donnell | inspirational

I think that the reason for my success is that I am really not aspirational. I am inspirational in that the people at home feel like they can really relate to me.

Brittany Murphy inspirational

Brittany Murphy | inspirational

I think if there’s something one needs to change with oneself, it doesn’t have to happen in the New Year. You can do that any time you please – not that it’s not a good inspirational tactic for the people that it works for.


George Lucas | inspirational

‘Star Wars’ is fun, its exciting, its inspirational, and people respond to that. It’s what they want.


Alexander McQueen | inspirational

Rap music’s been around for too long now to be inspirational. The words are, but the music isn’t.

Harvey Weinstein inspirational

Harvey Weinstein | inspirational

I wanted to do something inspirational for my children.

inspirational Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling | inspirational

I try not to put anything political on the forefront of what I’m trying to do creatively. At the same time, I do think it’s wonderful when I hear people say that it’s inspirational that I’m an Indian woman on camera. My life is very diverse, and my friends are a diverse group of people.

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