Gore Vidal hope

Gore Vidal | hope

Fifty percent of people won’t vote, and fifty percent don’t read newspapers. I hope it’s the same fifty percent.

Gore Vidal great

Gore Vidal | great

In America, the race goes to the loud, the solemn, the hustler. If you think you’re a great writer, you must say that you are.

Gore Vidal great

Gore Vidal | great

Apparently, a democracy is a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates.

Gore Vidal government

Gore Vidal | government

The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along, paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return.

good Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal | good

A good deed never goes unpunished.

Faith Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal | faith

Writing fiction has become a priestly business in countries that have lost their faith.

car Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal | car

The greatest pleasure when I started making money was not buying cars or yachts but finding myself able to have as many freshly typed drafts as possible.

business Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal | business

Writing fiction has become a priestly business in countries that have lost their faith.

best Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal | best

In writing and politicking, it’s best not to think about it, just do it.

age Gore Vidal

Quote from Gore Vidal | age


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