Courteney Cox Home

Courteney Cox | home

When I was a kid I didn’t feel like I fit in because – this is really silly and I probably shouldn’t say it, but, I didn’t think anything was funny. So I used to go home and literally cry to my mom and my step-dad at the time and I didn’t think anything was funny. I couldn’t laugh.

Courteney Cox future

Courteney Cox | future

I’m a big laser believer – I really think they are the wave of the future.

Courteney Cox funny

Courteney Cox | funny

When I was a kid I didn’t feel like I fit in because – this is really silly and I probably shouldn’t say it, but, I didn’t think anything was funny. So I used to go home and literally cry to my mom and my step-dad at the time and I didn’t think anything was funny. I couldn’t laugh.

Courteney Cox funny

Courteney Cox | funny

It’s funny, because I never think of myself as Little Miss All-Together.

Courteney Cox friendship

Courteney Cox | friendship

I’ve got some great guy friends. They can start out as crushes. But when you realize something isn’t going to happen, you make a choice whether or not the friendship is worth it. And it usually is. Then you can laugh about the fact that you used to have a crush on him or he had one on you.

Courteney Cox diet

Courteney Cox | diet

If I like myself at this weight, then this is what I’m going to be. I don’t have an eating disorder.

Courteney Cox Dad

Courteney Cox | dad

You know, my mother’s beautiful, my dad was a really handsome man, and there was a lot of talk about looks when I was growing up.

Courteney Cox Dad

Courteney Cox | dad

At one point my dad called me and said, ‘You have always been a great salesman. I think it’s time you come home and sell swimming pools.’

anger Courteney Cox

Quote from Courteney Cox | anger


age Courteney Cox

Quote from Courteney Cox | age


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