Billy Corgan relationship

Billy Corgan | relationship

I’ve always been spiritual but I’ve never had a proper context, and it took me awhile to find the proper context. It’s hard to realize you can have any kind of relationship with God you want… and so I now have a punk rock relationship with God.

Billy Corgan peace

Billy Corgan | peace

Radiohead and Our Lady Peace are doing the seven layers of guitar, and I kind of jumped on that before anyone else did.

Billy Corgan Nature

Billy Corgan | nature

I like my home and I like the nature.

Billy Corgan Nature

Billy Corgan | nature

Your basic person wants to talk about material culture, internet culture. I think about God, cats, nature.

Billy Corgan Nature

Billy Corgan | nature

I think a spiritual journey is not so much a journey of discovery. It’s a journey of recovery. It’s a journey of uncovering your own inner nature. It’s already there.

Billy Corgan music

Billy Corgan | music

Most of my arguments with musicians through the years have had more to do with their attitude about music, or their attitude about their own lives, or their personal responsibility. Music has never really been the big centerpiece of the fight.

Billy Corgan music

Billy Corgan | music

The ideology of the Smashing Pumpkins was ultimately more valuable than the music of the Smashing Pumpkins. That’s what critics can’t put their finger on.

Billy Corgan music

Billy Corgan | music

To re-embrace what I once loved about music has been a warming process for me, because it’s a good, earned feeling now.

Billy Corgan music

Billy Corgan | music

To be able to put your arms around 24 years of music, it’s really fun.

Billy Corgan music

Billy Corgan | music

Music is your guide.

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