Bear Grylls Home

Bear Grylls | home

Christianity is not about religion. It’s about faith, about being held, about being forgiven. It’s about finding joy and finding home.

Bear Grylls freedom

Bear Grylls | freedom

I loved climbing because of the freedom, and having time and space. I remember coming off Everest for the last time, thinking of Dad and wishing that he could have seen what I saw. He would have loved it.

Bear Grylls Food

Bear Grylls | food

When I’m filming, survival requires movement. You need your energy, and you’ve got to eat the bad stuff, and survival food is rarely pretty, but you kind of do it. I get in that zone, and I eat the nasty stuff, but I’m not like that when I’m back home.

Bear Grylls Food

Bear Grylls | food

I love home cooking, and I’m not a great one for fast food.

Bear Grylls fitness

Bear Grylls | fitness

In the British Special Air Service, combat fitness is all about running.

Bear Grylls Fear

Bear Grylls | fear

You’re not human if you don’t feel fear. But I’ve learnt to treat fear as an emotion that sharpens me. It’s there to give me that edge for what I have to do.

Bear Grylls Fear

Bear Grylls | fear

Being brave isn’t the absence of fear. Being brave is having that fear but finding a way through it.

Bear Grylls Famous

Bear Grylls | famous

Nobody wants to end up super rich and famous – but divorced. I’m always clear on that and try to stay on the right side of the line.

Bear Grylls Faith

Bear Grylls | faith

My faith is an important part of my life and over the years I’ve learnt that it takes a proud man to say he doesn’t need anything. It has been a quiet strength and a backbone through a lot of difficult times.

Bear Grylls Faith

Bear Grylls | faith

Christianity is not about religion. It’s about faith, about being held, about being forgiven. It’s about finding joy and finding home.

Deep tissue massage. About us toylors rate of the matrix !. Drue’s debut single featuring the millions, “the drought”.