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Quote from Mindy McGinnis, Given to the Sea

…just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean it’s not the truth…

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Quote from Схиархимандрит Касиан

Ние строим духовно пречиствателна станция.

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Quote from Martin Luther King Jr., I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.

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Quote from Rick Strassman, Inner Paths to Outer Space: Journeys to Alien Worlds through Psychedelics & Other Spiritual Technologies

As I accepted my death and dissolution into God’s love, the insectoids began feeding on my heart, devouring the feelings of love and surrender. They were interested in emotion. As I was holding on to my last thought – that God is love – they asked, “Even here? Even here?

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Quote from Michael J. Sandel, Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?

(…) greed that preys on human misery (…)

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Quote from Hilary Mantel, An Experiment in Love

I think now that this is the great division between people. There are people who find life hard and those who find it easy. There are those who have a natural, in-built, expectation of happiness, and there are those who feel that happiness is not to be expected: that it is not, in fact, one of the rights of man. Nor, God knows, one of the rights of women.

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Quote from Феофан Затворник, Путь ко спасению. Краткий очерк аскетики.

Плътта, ако крепне, крепне за сметка на духа; и духът, ако съзрява, то ене по друг начин, а за сметка на упокояването на плътта.

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Quote from Nanak, Japjee: Sikh Morning Prayer

Nanak dukhiya sab sansar.

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Quote from Courtney Love

I don’t need any plastic in my body to validate me as a woman.

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Quote from Heinrich Heine

We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged

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