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Quote from Marcellus Emants, A Posthumous Confession

Only a fool can be happy. For happiness consists of two contradictory elements: contentment and pleasure. Enjoy pleasure and you have no contentment; be content and you have no pleasure. For this reason happiness is conceivable only for those who enjoy themselves without thinking that they will always want more and thus be discontented, or for those who are content without thinking that they have no pleasure. Whoever reflects can never be happy, unless he is a fanatic and thus blinded…thus exercising control over his intelligence with his feelings, instead of the other way round

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Quote from Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments

You see the first thing we love is a scene. For love at first sight requires the very sign of its suddenness; and of all things, it is the scene which seems to be seen best for the first time: a curtain parts and what had not yet ever been seen is devoured by the eyes: the scene consecrates the object I am going to love. The context is the constellation of elements, harmoniously arranged that encompass the experience of the amorous subject…Love at first sight is always spoken in the past tense. The scene is perfectly adapted to this temporal phenomenon: distinct, abrupt, framed, it is already a memory (the nature of a photograph is not to represent but to memorialize)… this scene has all the magnificence of an accident: I cannot get over having had this good fortune: to meet what matches my desire. interval, something has been successful: I have been fulfilled (all my desires abolished by the plenitude of their satisfaction).

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Quote from Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It and Other Stories

At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear.

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Quote from A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Wings of Fire: An Autobiography

Dreams are not those which comes while we are sleeping, but dreams are those when u don’t sleep before fulfilling them.

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Quote from Phil Mitchell, A Bright New Morning: An American Story

God brings us a song so that we may know joy. He enters our hearts so that we may know how to love. God brings us his word so that we may know how to live our lives. He brings us his peace so that we may be strong. God helps to make the world a more loving place.

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Quote from Kaitlin Bevis, Aphrodite

Battles like that . . .” My voice lowered. “They look like they come down to one person or one action in one big, flashy moment, but they don’t. Major victories come in inches. Each action, each sacrifice, every small act of defiance adds up..

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Quote from Melody Carlson, Just Another Girl

While Owen and Miles talk sports, I people watch. And this is what I see: teenagers trying to act like adults. Or how they think adults act. But mostly they look ridiculous, and I wonder what they don’t want to do something that’s more fun than drinking, smoking, flirting, and making out. Why are those activities considered to be fun?

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Quote from Idries Shah, Caravan of Dreams

Haste is from the Devil.

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Quote from David Benioff, When the Nines Roll Over and Other Stories

There are a few moments in your life when you are truly and completely happy, and you remember to give thanks. Even as it happens you are nostalgic for the moment, you are tucking it away in your scrapbook.

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Quote from Emily Giffin

What every girl dreams of when she’s dumped is – that the guy will someday feel regrest and come back and tell her all about it. And the beauty of it is you have no regrets whatsoever.

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