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Quote from Linda Howard, Drop Dead Gorgeous

Is it time for your period, or something?” He turned around, all controlled aggression, and damned if he didn’t push the button again. “What is it about having a period that makes women so bitchy?”” By the time the sentence ended the sweetness was long gone, my jaw was clenched, and I think my eyes were bugging out. Wyatt took a step back, belatedly looking alarmed.

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Quote from Johnny Cash

My arms are too short to box with God.

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Quote from Maya Banks, Sweet Surrender

Women were supposed to be the enigmas, but men? Moody, brooding bastards, the lot of them. A woman with PMS had nothing on a man. Where women might get hormonal once a month, men suffered their own brand of PMS on a daily basis. – Faith

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Quote from Robert Masello, Blood and Ice

Regardless of how black the page, he had always managed to turn it and move on to a new chapter in his life.

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Quote from Zsa Zsa Gabor

Getting divorced just because you don’t love a man is almost as silly as getting married just because you do.

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Quote from Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveler’s Wife

There is only one page left to write on. I will fill it with words of only one syllable. I love. I have loved. I will love.

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Quote from Gary Cox, How to Be an Existentialist: or How to Get Real, Get a Grip and Stop Making Excuses

Part of being of a true existentialist is wanting to be what we make ourselves be by the way we choose to act, as opposed to making excuses for the way we act and regretting it.

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Quote from Jenny Han, Clara Lee and the Apple Pie Dream

When boy likes you, you say no thank you. You don’t kick him on the ground.

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Quote from Ian Hacking, Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy?

Both [Quine and Feyerabend] want to revise a version of positivism. Quine started with the Vienna Circle, and Feyerabend with the Copenhagen school of quantum mechanics. Both the Circle and the school have been called children of Ernst Mach; if so, the philosophies of Feyerabend and Quine must be his grandchildren.

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Quote from Jenny Downham, Before I Die

I wish I had a boyfriend. I wish he lived in the wardrobe on a coat hanger. Whenever I wanted, I could get him out and he’d look at me the way boys do in films, as if I’m beautiful.

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