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Quote from Ivinela Samuilova, Къде отиваш, пътнико?

Дойдох на Камино, защото страдах, че никой не ме обича. И днес, пред железния кръст горе, за пръв път в живота си се замислих колко болезнено трябва да е за Бог, че ние не Го обичаме.

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Quote from Melissa de la Cruz, Masquerade

Every Valentine’s Day, the student council sponsered a holiday fundraiser by selling roses that would be delievered in class. The roses came in four colors:white, yellow, red, pink, and the subtleties of thier meaning were parsed and analyzed by the female population to no end. Mimi had always understood it thus:white for love, yellow for friendship, red for passion, and pink for a secret crush.

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Quote from Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime e Castigo

– Escute mais isso. Por outro lado, forças jovens, frescas, sucumbem em vão por falta de apoio, e isso aos milhares, e isso em toda parte! Cem, mil boas ações e iniciativas que poderiam ser implementadas e reparadas com o dinheiro da velha, destinado a um mosteiro! Centenas, talvez milhares de existências encaminhadas; dezenas de famílias salvas da miséria, da desagregação, da morte, da depravação, das doenças venéreas – e tudo isso com o dinheiro dela. Mate-a e tome-lhe o dinheiro, para com sua ajuda dedicar-se depois a servir toda a humanidade e a uma causa comum: o que você acha, esse crime ínfimo não seria atenuado por milhares de boas ações? Por uma vida – milhares de vidas salvas do apodrecimento e da degeneração. Uma morte e cem vidas em troca – ora, isso é uma questão de aritimética.

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Quote from Jacques Derrida, Dissemination

A text is not a text unless it hides from the first comer, from the first glance, the law of its composition and the rules of its game. A text remains, moreover, forever imperceptible. Its laws and rules are not, however, harbored in the inaccessibility of a secret; it is simply that they can never be booked, in the present, into anything that could rigorously be called a perception.

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Quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson

God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance.

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Quote from Marilynne Robinson

To recognize our bias toward error should teach us modesty and reflection, and to forgive it should help us avoid the inhumanity of thinking we ourselves are not as fallible as those who, in any instance, seem most at fault. Science can give us knowledge, but it cannot give us wisdom. Nor can religion, until it puts aside nonsense and distraction and becomes itself again.

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Quote from Renata Ammazzini, Nora & het bloemenelfje

There is always room in my life for a unicorn.(i.e. fantasy)

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Quote from Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

he placed his handson my mindbefore reachingfor my waistmy hipsor my lipshe didn’t call mebeautiful firsthe called meexquisite – how he touches me

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Quote from John Geddes, A Familiar Rain

…some nights I’d sneak out and listen to the radio in my Dad’s old Chevy – children need solitude – they don’t teach that in school…

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Quote from Mladen Đorđević, Svetioničar – Vesnici oluje

Don’t seek the devil in the place which he calls his home

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