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Quote from Katja Millay, The Sea of Tranquility

People like to say love is unconditional, but it’s not, and even if it was unconditional, it’s still never free. There’s always an expectation attached. They always want something in return. Like they want you to be happy or whatever and that makes you automatically responsible for their happiness because they won’t be happy unless you are … I just don’t want that responsibility.

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Quote from John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.

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Quote from Daniel Quinn

If you go to Singapore or Amsterdam or Seoul or Buenos Aires or Islamabad or Johannesburg or Tampa or Istanbul or Kyoto, you’ll find that the people differ wildly in the way they dress, in their marriage customs, in the holidays they observe, in their religious rituals, and so on, but they all expect the food to be under lock and key. It’s all owned, and if you want some, you’ll have to buy it.

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Quote from Madeleine L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time

Life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You’re given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. – Mrs. Whatsit

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Quote from Mikhail Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time

Love, like fire, goes out without fuel.

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Quote from Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Every Other Day

Bethany blinked. “Did you just hit me?” she asked, disbelief coloring her every feature.Skylar raised both hands, palms outward. “I come in peace!””You do not come in peace. You hit me.””I hit in peace!

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Quote from Rohinton Mistry, A Fine Balance

…God is a giant quiltmaker. With an infinite variety of designs. And the quilt is grown so big and confusing, the pattern is impossible to see, the squares and diamonds and triangles don’t fit well together anymore, it’s all become meaningless. So He has abandoned it.

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Quote from Brennan Manning, Abba’s Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging

Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every other identity is illusion.

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Quote from Zeno of Citium

if being is many, it must be both like and unlike, and this is impossible, for neither can the like be unlike, nor the unlike like

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Quote from Mary Karr

Mother’s particular devils had remained mysterious to me for decades. So had her past. Few born liars ever intentionally embark in truth’s direction, even those who believe that such a journey might axiomatically set them free.

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