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Quote from R.C. Sproul, A Taste of Heaven: Worship in the Light of Eternity

The real crisis of worship today is not that the preaching is paltry or that it’s too drafty in church. It is that people have no sense of the presence of God, and if they have no sense of His presence, how can they be moved to express the deepest feelings of their souls to honor, revere, worship, and glorify God?

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Quote from Jeaniene Frost, Destined for an Early Grave

Then you remember the dream,” Mencheres stated. “That bodes ill.” The fear of that made my reply snappy. “Hey, Walks Like An Egyptian, how about for once you drop the formal stuff and talk like you live in the twenty-first century?” The shit’s gonna splatter, start buggin’, yo,” Mencheres responded instantly. I stared at him, then burst out laughing, which was highly inappropriate considering the very grave warning he’d just conveyed.

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Quote from David Gerrold

Something went klunk. Like a nickel dropping in a soda machine. One of those small insights that explains everything. This was puberty for these boys. Adolescence. The first date, the first kiss, the first chance to hold hands with someone special. Delayed, postponed, a decade’s worth of longing–while everybody around you celebrates life, you pretend, suppress, inhibit, deprive yourself of you own joy–but finally ultimately, eventually, you find a place where you can have a taste of everything denied.

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Quote from Nikki Giovanni

the world is not a pleasant place to be without someone to hold and be held by.

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Quote from Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

Of course you can have a true Shadowhunter name,” Will said. “You can have mine.”Tessa stared at him, all black and white against the black-and-white snow and stone. “Your name?”Will took a step toward her, till they stood face-to-face. Then he reached to take her hand and slid off her glove, which he put into his pocket. He held her bare hand in his, his fingers curved around hers. His hand was warm and callused, and his touch made her shiver. His eyes were steady and blue; they were everything that Will was: true and tender, sharp and witty, loving and kind. “Marry me,” he said. “Marry me, Tess. Marry me and be called Tessa Herondale. Or be Tessa Gray, or be whatever you wish to call yourself, but marry me and stay with me and never leave me, for I cannot bear another day of my life to go by that does not have you in it.

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Quote from Rod Judkins, Change Your Mind: 57 Ways to Unlock Your Creative Self

The creative mind seeks chance and accident while everyone else seeks control and order. Rod Judkins ‘Change Your Mind

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Quote from Kiera Cass, The Selection

True love is usually the most inconvenient kind.

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Quote from R.D. Laing

Perfection is something we should all strive for. It’s a duty and a joy to perfect one’s nature… The most difficult thing is love. A loveless, driving person that just competes in the rat race is far from perfection in my book.

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Quote from Cormac McCarthy

Anything that doesn’t take years of your life and drive you to suicide hardly seems worth doing.

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Quote from D.K. LeVick, Bridges: A Tale of Niagara

By the time we began to understand enough about what the world to ask the right questions, our visit is over, and someone else is visiting, asking the same questions.

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